Break Free From Painful Patterns

Build Your Confidence & Improve Your Love Life

Dare to Be Yourself

Break Free From Painful Patterns

Build Your Confidence & Improve Your Love Life

Dare to Be Yourself

When you realize you deserve better
you become unstoppable…

It is time to break free from painful patterns, unhealthy relationship dynamics that drain your energy and dim your light.
It is time to begin to live and love with more ease, joy, and awareness.

Your past does not determine your future

You Do!


Do you feel stuck in your relationship, hopeless and drained…

…wondering how long you can go on like this? Are you asking yourself: “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just be happy with what I have?

Do you feel unappreciated, unseen and unheard in your relationship?

Are you with someone that constantly puts you down and treats you without respect?

Or are you giving up on ever finding the kind and loving partner you dream of?

I hear you.

Jana doesn’t just look like a good fairy – she is one!
She combines a warm and open heart with a razor-sharp mind and a sparkling sense of humor. And she’s straight to the point! No matter how heavy my heart or how troubled my mind was, I always came out of sessions with her with lightness, clarity, and a big smile on my face.

–  Patrick Wollstein Pinheiro

You don’t need to be in this alone…

When I was going through the most challenging time in my marriage, I thought no one could really get me. My husband thought our issues are only in my head. My friends, although they meant well, were full of advice I never asked for. The marriage counselor was rather judgmental, so I gave up on sharing my feelings and thoughts with others and I was suffering alone.


And that’s exactly what I don’t want for you!

I have been there…

Whether you are on the crossroad asking yourself “Should I stay or should I go?” or you just need a guidance on how to get unstuck and bring more joy, love and connection into your relationship…


I am here for you.

If you are single, after a string of unsatisfying relationships and you strongly desire to finally meet the “One” and create an extraordinary relationship full of love, authentic connection and deep intimacy…


I am here for you.

You may need support to navigate breakup / divorce in a considerate and respectful way with minimal damage for all, so you, (your children) and your soon to be ex-partner can thrive on the other side.


I am here for you.

Are you struggling in a relationship with a narcissistic partner? I know how painful that is. I am here to help you find all the lost pieces of yourself, realize your worth, build your confidence so you can finally stop giving your power away to these toxic manipulators.

How Can I Help You

Calling In “The One”™ Program

Are you single, dreaming of kind, loving partner to build your life with? Yet you seem to attract the wrong people all over again?

Do you want to uplevel your relationship and get rid of everything that doesn’t serve you in it anymore?

Are you ready to dive deep into what it takes to become the “One”?

Then this highly transformative program is the perfect fit for you.

It changed my life and it will change yours too!

Conscious Uncoupling™ Program

Are you devastated at the prospect of breaking up or divorcing your partner, but know it needs to happen to get back to a happy, full-of-life version of yourself?

Going through a breakup / divorce is a very painful experience for all involved, especially if you have children.

Conscious Uncoupling™ program will help you navigate this challenging time in a way that doesn’t ruin your life, damage your children and define your future.

You can become bitter or you can become better!

Dare to Love Yourself Program

Do you have a big kind compassionate heart that cares a lot for others at your own expense? Deep inside you may feel you’re “not good enough” constantly doubting yourself. Your may have hard time speaking up and being invisible serves you as a safety strategy.

All of this makes you the perfect match for toxic manipulators that suck the life out of you.

It is time to learn how to love yourself, set boundaries and take back your power to be free to create a life of your dreams.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it Fate.”

~Carl Jung

Are you ready to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns that drain your energy and keep you stuck?

When you become aware of the patterns that are sabotaging your chances of living and loving with more ease and joy the path you need to take will be crystal clear.